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Title Page TitlePage.pdf
Program Program.pdf
Table of Contents TableOfContents.pdf
Session Student Papers
Ergonomic and Functional Analysis of an Autonomous Urban Vehicle for Individual Use

Devina Manoeva, Tom Assmann, Stephan Schmidt

DOC1.pdf DOC1.pt.html DOC1.bt.txt
Maximizing the Internal Value of Company Projects

Irina Korova

DOC2.pdf DOC2.pt.html DOC2.bt.txt
The Journey of Quantum Information Technology

Petar Nikolov, Vassil Galabov

DOC3.pdf DOC3.pt.html DOC3.bt.txt
Session Economics
Cause and Effects of Fake Reviews – A Literature Review

Malte Fiedler, Martin Kissling

BWL1.pdf BWL1.pt.html BWL1.bt.txt
Digitization in Tax Enforcement – a Guns vs. Butter Approach

Tim Sofke

BWL2.pdf BWL2.pt.html BWL2.bt.txt
The impact of digitalisation on fiscal systems – an explorative review

Jutta Henke

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Digitalization and labor market – perspectives and challenges

Zwetelina Gankova-Ivanova

BWL4.pdf BWL4.pt.html BWL4.bt.txt
3D printing – commercial effects of digitalisation in industrial manufacturing

Gero Gunkel

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The Influence of Social Media Use on Social Capital

Jens Lamprecht, Susanne Robra-Bissantz

BWL6.pdf BWL6.pt.html BWL6.bt.txt
Top-Executives And Digitalization – Insights From The Academic Literature

Johannes Brunzel, Johannes Schmidt, Dietrich von der Oelsnitz

BWL7.pdf BWL7.pt.html BWL7.bt.txt
Digitalization of the Economy as an Incentive for Innovative Development

Tomislava Grozdanova

BWL8.pdf BWL8.pt.html BWL8.bt.txt
The rights of the purchaser in case of lack of work performances (§ 634 BGB) and obligations to notify if there are doubts in the employment contract

Peter Greulich

BWL9.pdf BWL9.pt.html BWL9.bt.txt
Session Mechatronics
Smart Factory of the Future – More
efficient, more flexible, faster and more sustainable Hashem Badra, Jivka Ovtcharova
MECH1.pdf MECH1.pt.html MECH1.bt.txt
Investigation of Conductive Structures Printed Using Inkjet Technology

Elitsa Gieva, Georgi Nikolov, Boyanka Nikolova, Marin Marinov

MECH2.pdf MECH2.pt.html MECH2.bt.txt
Automated Acoustic Hit Detection and Score Calculation on a Steel Dartboard

Stefan Hensel, Marin B. Marinov, Florian Sprich

MECH3.pdf MECH3.pt.html MECH3.bt.txt
Session Computer Science
Experimental Setup for Investigation and Evaluation of a Mapping and Localization System

Stefan Hensel, Marin B. Marinov, Max Schmitt

INF1.pdf INF1.pt.html INF1.bt.txt
A Virtual Memory Palace: Engagement Improves the Long-Term Memory

Jan-Paul Huttner, David Schilgen, Susanne Robra-Bissantz

INF2.pdf INF2.pt.html INF2.bt.txt
(How) Can I help you? Emotion-Reaction-Guidelines for the Stationary Retail

Michael Meyer, Patrick Helmholz, Friedrich Temps, Susanne Robra-Bissantz

INF3.pdf INF3.pt.html INF3.bt.txt
Team Roles in Human-Machine Collaboration

Dominik Siemon, Maja Felicitas Stich, Stefan Sievert, Wahied Noorzai, Susanne Robra-Bissantz

INF4.pdf INF4.pt.html INF4.bt.txt
The Era of Music Streaming and the Challenges of Music Recommendation

Patrick Helmholz, Michael Meyer, Susanne Robra-Bissantz

INF5.pdf INF5.pt.html INF5.bt.txt